
Showing posts from May, 2021

Day 14 Last Day :(

Today was our last and final day and it was really sad. I will miss working out and making smoothies with these two every day. I am excited to see how I will be able to take what I have learned into the real world. After we finished our last workout we spent a lot of time working on our presentation for Expressfess. hours: 4 Total hours: 56

Day 13

 We had a later start to our day and started it on the turf with warming up and stretching to get ready for our first day of re-testing our maxes. I was able to test my back squat yesterday and I was able to increase it by 20 pounds. On the first day of testing I squatted 160lbs and today I did 180lbs. After that, I was able to do bench press but I will be re-testing that on Wednesday. After that, we went to the seminar, then to lunch and then we went up to the tennis courts and played for two hours. Then later that day I did some core and went for a bike ride. Hours: 5

2 week reflection

 This week we felt like we were able to achieve our goals to make more smoothies and get out of the gym a little more. We were able to go outside a lot more this week and find other ways to work out outside of the gym. We also remembered to bring smoothie ingredients and the correct blender that way the smoothie actually blended. We defiantly had some not so great smoothies but we also had some really yummy ones that will make it into the cookbook. With all of the warm weather, we had this week we really took advantage of getting outside and not just staying in the gym because that got very boring. One of the things we were able to get outside and do was the sunrise hike which in the end was very worth it and we all had so much fun. I still don't think that I have been able to catch back on the sleep that I missed but that okay because we still had so much fun. I left my house at 2:30 which was very early but worth it. We only got lost two times. The rest of the week I was really t

Day 12

 Today we all did our own thing because of the games and all of us have them at different times. Today I went on a hike with my family and it was so pretty out and such a nice day. All of the flowers are blooming right now sop it is so pretty out.  The weather this week has been outstanding and it has allowed us to get out and enjoy it. After the hike, I went down to the lake and played tennis, and then went back to my house and did a bike ride on the peloton and more core. I got a very good workout in today and then I was able to go back to school and support the teams in the sports games. When I got to school I was able to go on a walk with Blake and Maddie. Hours: 5

Day 11

 Today we started at 10am and went to the gym. After that, we headed to the gym to do some stretching and get warmed up and ready to go for today's workout. After our warmup, we went into the gym and out to the turf strip to do some circuits and lots of core. My core was already very sore and so today I was able to really push myself. After that, we made a truly amazing smoothie that was one of a kind. This one will defiantly be going in the smoothie book!!! I loved this smoothie mainly because I love chia and that was what this smoothie was. Hours: 4

Day 10

 Today we had a little bit later start to our day because we were all so tired from our 2am wake up from the hike yesterday. We met as a group after the seminar and headed straight to the turf strip to do some stretching and foam rolling to get ready for our workout of the day. Once we were all ready to go we headed into the weight room to do an all-body workout. We squatted, bench pressed, and a bunch of other exercises and circuits. Once we were done in the weight room we headed out to the turf strip to work on some core and stretching. Once we were done working out we went to make a smoothie which was a very interesting smoothie that will not be in our cookbook. The consistency was very weird and it was very tart. Hours: 2

Day 9

 OH MY GOSH!!! Today was a very very early morning that consisted of me waking up at 2am. I got 4 hours of sleep and when my alarm went off all I wanted to do was go back to bed but I got up and drove to school. Last night when they told me they wanted to do this I thought they were joking but after two hours of telling me they weren't, and then asking their dorm parents if it was okay to go on a hike at 3am I finally started to believe them. I got to school and met Black and Ava and for some reason, Ava seemed to have a boatload of energy for 3 in the morning. I did not have this much energy at all. Once we all met up and got our bug spray on and headlamps we headed into the very very dark woods. After getting lost a couple times we finally made it to the top and it was beautiful!!! We took lots of pictures and got bit by lots and lots of mosquitoes. Even though I am very exhausted, I am happy I did it even though I am covered in bug bites. After that, we hiked down, took a nap in

Day 8

 We started our day after my math class was over. We went to lunch and then made a delicious smoothie I think it was the best one yet. It was very refreshing and would be perfect for a hot summer day like it was today. We are thinking of calling it "Summer Berry". After that, we went on a walk and then went to the turf to start some stretching because we needed to get ready before we did our lower body workout. Today for our lower body we did squatting and deadlift. After that, we did another leg circuit which included wall sit for a minute, squatting for a minute, and then another exercise. After that we did a big core circuit, stretched, and then called it a day and headed to sports. Hours: 3

Day 7

We started our afternoon off with a nice sleep in which was much needed. We met at 11 and started planning for the week ahead. We made plans with time, workouts, and upcoming smoothies. We have really started to work on our smoothie and workout cookbook which we will be sharing during Senior project presentation night. Before we started our workout we made a really really good smoothie. This smoothie had frozen bananas, peanut butter, chocolate almond milk, and some protein powder. This was defiantly one of the best smoothies that we have made so far. After that, we headed to the turf strip to do some foam rolling and stretching to warm up before we headed into the weight room. Our plan for today was to do a front body workout but it later changed to just an upper body workout with core. Tomorrow we will be doing lower body and probably some agility. Hours: 4

Reflection: Week 1

This week was our first week of senior project and we spent our time testing our maxes, making smoothies, working on our cookbook, and lots of planning for upcoming workouts. One thing we defiantly need to work on is making a plan on how we are going to do our maxes. We need to do this because we messed it up when we did it, and we went up in weight too fast. This made us get very tired very fast and that made it so we had a hard time finishing up the rest of the workout.    Now that we are not as sore and more rested we will start tomorrow off by retesting our maxes. We have also planned strength and cardio which is good that way we can get a mix of everything and not just strength. We have defiantly been able to see where we are with our strength compared to the fall and there is lots of room to improve. This week we have also learned a lot about nutrition. We all found that after a winter of not lifting that all of our weights were down and that the reps were a lot lower as well. So

Day 6

With all the sports games going on today we had a hard time figuring out a time that would work for everyone so we ended up doing our own thing today. I started out with a jog around my neighborhood and then when I got back I did some stretching. Once I was all warmed up I hoped on the peloton and did an hour bike ride. The Peloton is a great way to get a workout in because you constantly have someone in your face pushing you. After I was done I did 30 minutes of core and then finished stretching and foam rolling. After that, I was able to make a smoothie with strawberries, raspberries, mango, and orange juice. This was a very good refreshing smoothie. Once I was done with my workout I went outside on the porch and sat in the warm sun and worked on the smoothie cookbook. I am so excited for next week because the smoothie lineup looks amazing and I am ready to get back into the weight room! Today was also Blake's senior game!!! Hours: 3

Day 5

Today was an early morning for me because I had math but after that, we did some yoga which was very nice after that long week of working out. It was very nice to be able to stretch out and have some time to relax and let our bodies have a day off. This week we were all very sore and doing this yoga made me feel a lot better. We did a bunch of exercises and we held each of them for 1-2 minutes to make sure we were really able to get a good stretch in. After this, we some core just to make sure we did a little something. We did stay away from the weight room today since we were all pretty sore, but we did end up doing some agility that way we could work on our quickness. In the end, we finished with some work on our smoothies cookbook. Hours: 3

Day 4

Today we started our day off with a nice sleep-in. Once I arrived at school, we started our day off with some stretching and foam rolling to warm up.  Today was an agility day where we work a quick tempo. Our first circuit consisted of jumping over hurdles then onto boxes and then onto a ladder and finished with a sprint to the end. After that, we did sled pushes for 20 minutes which was very difficult but paid off in the end. When then finished with 10 minutes of core and stretching. Even though today was really hard I would say that it was by far my most favorite day because we were all really able to push ourselves. We then finished the day with some planning for the rest of the week and also next week. Hours: 2

Day 3

We started our day at 7:30 which was the earliest one yet. We first started with 30 minutes of stretching and then started our workout at 8:00 on the turf strip. Our focus for today was an upper-body which started out with a circuit of 3 power clean presses, and 3 burpees for 15 minutes. After that, we headed into the weight room to start our next set of exercises which were pull-ups, push-ups, and bench press. I was still sore from yesterday so today consisted of more reps and less weight. We ended our workout with core and stretching, and then headed to Maddie's dorm to make a smoothie. Today we were finally able to make a smoothie instead of our nonblended smoothie for the last two days, and it was really yummy! Hours: 3

Day 2

 Today we started our day with a nice one our warm-up which consisted of basketball, foam rolling, and stretching. Once we were all warmed up we headed into the weight room to work on lower body. Once we finished our lower body we moved out to the turf strip and did some Tabata where we did 5 rounds with 5 exercises each for 30 seconds with a 10-second break. For my 5 exercises, I did wall sit, Bosu ball tuck, hamstring curls, plank, and burpees. After that, we did core for 10 minutes and then finished with some stretching. Sadly we were unsuccessful with our smoothie making for today, but we will be back in action for tomorrow. Hours: 4

Workout and Nutrition

Day 1 May 10th Sage Curtis Today was the first day of our workout and nutrition Senior Project! We started out by formulation our schedule for the next two-plus weeks. We worked on that for about an hour and then we were able to create workouts for each day, and recipes for our smoothies. After creating our workouts we hit the gym and started out our workout with some nice stretching from 12:30-1:00. After we felt warmed up and ready to go start our workout which consisted of us finding our maximum weight for deadlift, back squat, and bench press, and bar hang. After we were done working out we headed upstairs to an empty classroom to make a smoothie that wasn't very good but we have lots of room to improve. We chose to do this today because we wanted to be able to see where we are now and where we will be at the end of Senior Project. For tomorrow we still need to find our maximum pushup is. I am so excited for these next couple of weeks! Hours: 3